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July 28, 2005


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Gorgeous painting! Esp. love the little goblet all the way on the left. Lucky you to have such a collection of cobalt blue glasses..I find myself entranced by them when I see them in stores. Someday I'll just have to get some:-)

Nancy, I'll email the sketch to you. Sorry you've had so much trouble with it!
And thanks, Kathleen, for your nice comment.

The composition is just as lovely as the beautiful painting you achieved. The colors are luminous.

Laura - I tried to open your blue glassware photo again, after restarting as you suggested, and I still get nothing. All your other posts are OK, but that one just won't open for me. I get the download page and if I click on the "image" label I get the html gobblygook, the meaning of which totally confounds me.

I was very interested to see how you did the glasses. But since I can't comment on them, I will say that your various portraits are excellent! You really do capture the individual personality of each - wish I could do as well with my subjects.

The blue! The blue! I'm entranced with the blue of the glasses. So pretty. (I told you my arty comments were insufferably lame, but I really do think your work is beautiful)

I totally agree with Mireille's comment about Wabi-sabi, a Japanese term for the beauty that lies in imperfection. I personally don't see the beauty in perfection. It's the imperfection that draws us to the object. I mean wouldn't you rather look at a curved line instead of a straight one?

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