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August 25, 2005


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Harry, you are way too kind! And I was the privileged one meeting all of you wonderful creatures ;D.

To All Who Reads This:

You must know how Wonderful of a spirit and artist Laura is. I am one of the blessed and lucky recipients of her talents.

I hope all of you can benefit from the magic of meeting new friends and creating relationships via this online medium.

I'm the hairier one of the bunch above and I'm sooooooo thankful to have gotten the chace to meet Laura (and the rest).

And if you like Laura's site, you should see her books. I'm speechless.

Big Harry

Certainly no apologies are needed here. You've given these friends life. What fun to actually put a face to a name. You guys are soo very lucky to be able to do this.

Yes, Detlef, it was a cadre for sure ;D. Wish you all could have been there!

Wish i wasn't so far away on the west coast. It sounds like you guys had a great time. Wonderful portraits, Laura

These are really great--not at all "cheesy." I'm completely impressed with your ability to capture the sense of personality, not just a flat portrait.

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