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July 02, 2007


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That table with accessories is absolutely breathtaking. The reflections, the colors, everything. Simply beautiful. And the cows and other sketches. You had a grand day and lots to show for it. Awesome work!

Tu es si productive, j'ai des difficultés à te suivre. Ces croquis de vaches sont magnifiques, et tes couleurs toujours resplendissantes. Quel plaisir de revenir sur ton blog. Excuse mon absence.

No way is sketching other artists narcissistic. You're getting life models for free - and hopefully 'understanding' ones as well! I always make a point of sketching other artists when out working with them 'plein air'

I like the last one of the food and things on your table the best-probally shows what's important to me.

I adore your cow posteriors. Also enjoyed seeing your trip to see the polomorized dead ones. UGH. but facinating.

The "quick" watercolor of what was in front of you is gorgeous. I've been thinking about your unique and wonderful style of watercolor painting lately. Your work stays in my mind for a long time.

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