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August 21, 2007


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Such wonderful sketches and water colors! I adore the one of Penelope writing and relaxing, enjoying the day. So tranquil, something we all need more of in our lives don't we? I hope your dinner party went well, I'd love to hear more about it when you have time and your gardens are just lovely! We've been in Monterey and
Carmel, CA all weekend enjoying time with 2 of our 4 children and visiting our dear friends. We fly home on Tuesday also. I hope you'll post from France? I look so foward to seeing what you'll create while your there and of course the food and narrative-my favorites!
Safe journey, XOXOXO


Oh gosh, these are so wonderful and again, I love the boat scenes. You do have such an interesting life!

Beautiful drawings and paintings -- I just especially LOVE those boats! So sorry about the oysters ... although you've reminded me of the poem from Alice in Wonderland ...

“A loaf of bread,” the Walrus said,
“Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed—
Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed.”

Perhaps they sought their revenge on you ...
;-) I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better!

So sorry about the oysters; I had a similar experience with a seafood lunch. Your sketches are so evocative of the time and place - wonderful work! xoxox

Those boats certainly look very familiar to me! Sorry to hear about the oysters - what a rotten way to finish your week away.

Lokking forward to seeing more Suffolk sketches - where did you get to?

I love to travel vicariously through sketchbooks. Great lively drawings. I especially love the watercolors.

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