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August 23, 2007


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Sounds like a fabulous time. Too bad about the oysters, they have a way of doing that and it only takes one! Your sketches are wonderful! Great atmosphere in the ones from the pub. And that boat is gorgeous!

Love them all, but my fav is the boat, You have such a gift for capturing life!

Oh, thank you so much, you wonderful people,for your continued encouragement and support! Martin, I hope you get to the exhibit and that you make wonderful drawings while you're there. Juliet, Boxford is such a charming place---look forward to spending more time there. Sue, Lynn, Robyn, Ronell,Casey, Lydia, Lin,I seem to be most stimulated by drawing people---not sure why. Dave, you could be right!SusanA, his face was obscured the whole night, unfortunately. Tara, can't wait to see you!

As per usual, fantastic work! Can't wait until you get here and we can compare notes about our adventures in England. xoxox

wow- fabulous sky and great jazz sketches. Laura - hope you're having fun!

I love how the drummers face is hidden behind the drums. Its so in the moment.

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