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October 09, 2007


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Top French bottom English.... yes?

I was wondering how you liked Arts in Provence?
There seem to be a few familiar faces there.
Some of the annual returnees I bet.
I sent a friend to the September workshop and he LOVED it. Did you ever get to Roussilion?

Thank you, one and all, for your comments and your guesses---and you were all right! The top drawing is of a chic woman in her 60's, one of the spectators at a petanque match in Luxembourg gardens that Casey and I sketched together. The man next to her on the page is an Asian man, one of the players in the game.
The Englishman in the second sketch is the husband of one of the painters in the watercolor workshop in Provence. Marie-Dom, I also invent stories for the people I see ---and stories about the people who live in houses and apartments I see on my travels, too!

Love your drawings. Not only do I try to work out the nationalities of people I draw/ see, I invent a life for them all!!!
Am envious of your workshop and trips away, and am in awe of how you make time for drawing.

all your sketches are just beautiful Laura and your fountains just blow me away...they are really exquisite! thanks for sharing a little of your class in Provence with us..it looks like such fun!I hope we get so see more of your paintings?

Yes, I've lived in Europe too long not to tell the difference. Your workshop sounds like the best way to study - wonderful teacher, beautiful settings, new friends and fabulous foods. Your photo is fab and your art is simply wonderful - so evocative! xo

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