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November 29, 2007


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Thanks for the links!
artistic amitié from france

Hi Laura: pity you didnt introduce yourself al Clermont-Ferrand! It would have been a real pleasure talking a bit with you.
Maybe next time.

Thank you for this report! I have always been very curious about this event: sounds like heaven to me. I am so jealous :)

What a trip - in more ways than one. And I do know what that feeling is like re. your journey from Amboise to Clermont Ferrand - that must have been so awful! Roads in the Massif Central aren't the fastest I've known in France.....

Your sketches reminded me of all the ones I saw on Enrique's video of his sketchbook from the event. I guess everybody else's will have been doing the same thing!

Good to hear you are going bigger in 2008. I'm already doing more in my A4 sketchbook and am seriously thinking about going larger still!

Thank you, thank you! It was quite the event, I agree---and getting there was quite the adventure, *cough, cough.*
Wish you all could have been there. Dee, you commented immediately on my completing the post, Ms. Quickdraw! Jeanne was both sweet and talented, absolutely. Linda, I've posted a list of the sketchbooks I collected, today.

Wow, what a great event! And you SO deserved to be a part of it! Wish I could have been there to see it all. Lovely sketches, great links and immensely interesting to read about. Thanks for sharing!

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