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December 03, 2007


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I love your drawing and your use of colour. These ones are amazing also. I thought I'd lost your blog, but NO, I've got it safely bookmarked.

Oh Laura these sketches are just wonderful! And what a feast for the eyes, with all those sketchbooks to come. xoxox

Thanks, everyone! I've had my studio upended for the past week, getting a new floor put in and this and that, so it's been hard getting artwork done. But I've been experimenting with pens, nevertheless---I'm really enjoying working with this very varied medium again! I love seeing the work of all of you who are using ink, too!

Hi Laura, I already admire your masterful command of the pencil and now I will have more to admire as you take on pen and ink. Great move! I know what you mean about Microns not allowing for the more brushy lines you can accomplish with a soft pencil. Have you tried the Pitt artist brush pen by Faber Castell? I haven't graduated from the Microns yet but every now and then I take a leap into brush work with those.

I like your lines in pen. Changing tools can be great for tweaking creativity. I was looking back on some sketchbooks from a year or two ago and realized how much better I liked the thicker pens I was using then--how the super fine lines I switched to just don't have the power of the thicker points. Time for me to do some changing too!

Nice work. I can't even write legibly.

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