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March 11, 2008


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How fantastic, Laura! Kudos to you as a parent!! And I must brag as well -my children are the most creative people I know and I take full credit for it! In the same vein, it is the only way I knew to raise them and I am sure you will agree. We teach them what we know and treasure and that is mostly creativity in all walks of life. It warmed my heart to read and see this post of yours...

Wow! I so appreciate your comments as well as seeing new visitors to the blog---thank you, thank you! I'm glad you liked the stories of my daughters' early art lives. I treasure those memories.

Well hello beautiful lady you! What a lovely art-filled childhood your daughters must have had. I also tried to encourage my girls to be creative in all sorts of artistic pursuits as they grew up. And now I'm proud to say, I have bought grand-daughter Grace her first crayons and colour chalks and we proudly display her artwork on our refrigerator. I may not draw and paint as much now as I'd like, but creativity is not lost in this part of the world if I have anything to do with it! Take care!

I saw this:


and remembered it when I saw these great kids ddrawings!

Ugga-bugga, indeed!

I remember my tots sitting on my lap narrating stories while I typed...

But I also used that warhorse of a book, "Drawing with children," and got interesting results. Over my library table I have a wondrous lady centaur that R drew in kindergarten--bare-breasted with roses for nipples (at least they look just like the roses in her long hair) and miniature happy centaurs frolicking beside her.

wonderful interview and inspiring too. Such sweet baby girls. You're so lucky to have them. xxx

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