« Wide-eyed in Iceland | Main | Iceland in a minor key »

August 30, 2008


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Iceland is beauty country,i want call,much nice photo
Greeting von Czech Republic

My aunties never showed me pictures. They didn't go anywhere much, anyway. I do remember being subjected to slide shows by grown-ups after dinner parties, way back when. I like yours, though!


These photos of Iceland are glorious, especially the home with the white trimmed windows. They actually remind me of places in Idaho, so beautiful and majestic.

My hand is still troubling me and I have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. I think your idea of acupuncture is the right way to go and I need to look into it as it doesn't seem to be improving much. Now off to find a good acupuncturist and try to fit treatments into my much too busy schedule. Thank you so much! XOX M

Thanks so very much for your enthusiastic responses to my Iceland posts! Of course, I take no credit for your enthusiasm---that we can lay at Iceland's feet. My only regret is that I don't have several more lives to live, so that at least one of them could be spent entirely in that glorious place.

Thank you for reminding us that our art is influenced by our emotions and experiences. Even if we never see a drawing/painting from your Iceland trip, we will see a part of it in all your future work.

"Dear Auntie,
You are SOOOO wrong about your photos..."

Laura, you have , clearly, had a magical trip.Your photos are stunning, as will be your paintings, I'm sure.(Am I gushing? )
Thankyou for the trip thus far.

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