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November 21, 2008


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I am not sure if anyone is still monitoring this 'blog'. I knew Cindy in the late 1960's - we lived down the street. I was so sorry to hear of her passing - even back then when her sister Kathy and I were running amuk in the neighborhood, Cindy was the sane, responsible one. I am trying to find her sister Cathy. If any of you know an email address or number can you please let me know. Cindy Bortner [email protected]

Oh Laura, so sorry to here this. What a wonderful tribute to an amazing woman! xoxox

i did not know her, but as i have been reading all of the tributes to her, it seems as though we've lost the companionship of an angel.

Beautiful tribute to your friend.

.....and there is so much life in these sketches!!!

I came to know Cindy when she enrolled in my figure drawing class at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond, and as soon as she showed me her wonderful book of sketches of her cohabitants at her home I fell in love with her work. Cindy Woods was the most graceful woman I have ever been privileged to know. We weren't close friends, just a lunch at the European Market on Main Street, a couple of classes, and drawing together at Friday Night Open Sketch, but Cindy was often in my thoughts from the time I first met her - the person, and the work. Her character studies are incomparable,and as a person, Cindy touched me more than I can say. She was a bringer of light to the world.

Thanks so much for this beautiful post. Your friendship and artist camaraderie meant so much to Cindy.
All the best to you.

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