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April 22, 2010


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Oh Laura! The colours, the light, everything is just so beautiful!!!

Hmm, thought that I'd left you a note about how much I enjoyed your Turkey sketches, but I don't see it. But I did, and I do.

There is nothing else like Laura sketches: So beautiful, vibrant, full of life and energy and color and great swirly strokes. A feast for the eyes and a much needed mini-virtual-vacation. Ahhhh!

Oh, I love seeing all of this through your eyes.

Ephesus had the same impact on us. I always seem to have a past-life experience when walking on the same stones, etc. I was especially interested in how exposed everything was at Ephesus, and how impromptu the dig looked. Our guide, a NATO officer, explained that when wars and other outbreaks have occurred there, they've just bulldozed dirt over the site and come back and dig things out later on.

You might enjoy the rock man story: http://chrisbonney.blogspot.com/2009/10/rock-man-of-ephesus.html

I hope you managed to avoid the gauntlet of spice sellers at the exit.

Hi Laura, I've been checking your blog for a while now and I thought to drop you a line. I love your sketches and the way pen and watercolours mix together giving a sense of freedom and freshness that I find difficult to achieve. And the colour of the water....just amazing!! Your trip must have been wonderful.

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