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April 15, 2010


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You know, I would love to see some of your sketches 'in progress' ie to see what they look like before and after colour is added. I am trying to see through them but I just go google eyed! I love the way you sketch and just seeing how you put things together would be really interesting.

Thank you, everyone! Jana, I miss seeing your work often, too. I will remedy the situation! Nina and everyone, you should go to Turkey!!!

Looks like a great trip in a beautiful place. Love your sketches.

Gorgeous sketches that remind me how much I've missed visiting your beautiful work. I'm glad you were able to get home safely. I thought of you when I heard about the volcano and the stranded travelers.

These are all just lovely, Laura!

Oh wow, Laura, your sketches are stunning - as always. Makes me want to go there...

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