First week back, I had to go visit my mother (who continues to defy the dire prognosis of last fall and is tiny, witty, beautiful and very much alive) and then my wonderful husband had a tri-part surgery on his foot---meaning he has to sit down, lie down, or hobble on crutches for six weeks.
So, it's a one-woman show around here these days.
But, enough about me and mine. Where are the sketches??
Here are a few. More to come, bien sûr.
< I loved this bust study by Rodin. I've been reading about his drawings and watercolors ---none of which the Rodin Museum in Paris HAS, by the way!! Big disappointment. But when I saw this bust made of plaster, wax, newspaper, and clay I was thrilled---he's done this the way he did his drawings---pasting, pastiching, reworking lines, being as free as a bird. This figure really spoke to me.
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